🛠️Setting Up

Made with ❤️ by Pandez and his Pandez Labs team

Make sure the Pandez Tools bot is already in your server (you will receive a link for this after buying the bot in our Discord).

You need a role with the Administrator or Manage Server permissions to invite the bot to your server. If you don't have a role with either of those permissions, please ask the server owner to give you one.

Using the /setup command

You need a role with the Administrator permission to use the /setup command. If you don't have a role with that permission, please ask the server owner to give you one.

To start the setup process, type /setup (preferably in a private channel) and press enter.

1. What roles do you want to give Giveaway Manager permissions to?

Giveaway Managers are able to do the following:

  • Use the /create command

  • Use the /view command

  • Use the /end command

  • Use the /cancel command

  • Use the /reroll command

  • Use the /view wallet command to view the wallet addresses of other members/roles

Visit the Commands List page for a full overview on what these commands do.

The role you give Giveaway Manager permissions to, must have the Use Application Commands permission to be able to use slash commands.

2. What roles can access the /file command?

Access to this command should only be given to the most trusted members of your team (preferably only admins). The /file command lets you upload a file and give a specified role to every member found in it.

3. What roles can access the /wallet command?

The /wallet command lets members set (/wallet set) and view (/wallet view) their own wallet address, to enter giveaways that require them. Access to this command can be given to @everyone or restricted to a specific or multiple roles.

4. What channel do you want to use for logging?

Pandez Tools has a detailed logging system that logs every time the following events happen:

  • A giveaway is created

  • A giveaway has ended

  • A giveaway is cancelled

  • A giveaway is forcefully ended

  • A giveaway is rerolled

This should be set to a private channel, not for everyone to see.

Last updated