🤖Command List

Made with ❤️ by Pandez and his Pandez Labs team

  • /config dm disabler new! (beta)

    • Disable new DMs from being sent between members in your server. This feature extends Discord's native "Pause DMs" feature, which has a time limit of 24 hours. With our command, DMs are paused in your server indefinitely. Friends can still DM each other, moderators can still DM members and your Apps can still DM members.

    • Arguments:

      • Enable - Enables DM disabler.

      • Disable - Disables DM disabler.

    • Pandez Guard requires the "Manage Servers" permission for this feature to work.

  • /audit logs

    • View and filter your server's audit logs with the following optional arguments:

      • executor - Filter by the user that performed the action

      • target - Filter by the user, channel or role that an action was performed on

      • action - Filter by the type of action that was performed

      • duration - Filter by when the action was performed (e.g. 2d will show the logs for the last 2 days)

    • The free version of the bot only lets you see up to 5 audit logs. Buy premium for unlimited logs.

  • /about

    • Get information about the bot and the official links.

  • /lock

    • Lock the server and add the following optional arguments:

      • code - Access code to get into the server

      • duration - How long the access code will be valid for

        • Use m for minutes (e.g. 10m)

        • Use h for hours (e.g. 1h)

        • Use d for days (e.g. 2d)

      • uses - Number of times the access code can be used

      • Or a combination of all three

    • You can use the command again at any time to override the current bot's status.

    • Using the command with no optional arguments, locks down the server until it is unlocked.

    • Examples:

  • /unlock

    • Unlocks the server.

  • /status

    • Shows the current server locking status.

  • /regen

    • Regenerates the missing roles, channels and verification/waiting room panels.

  • /config logs

    • Shows a log of the most recent bot commands used by admins

  • /config notifications (beta)

    • Sends a notification about specific events happening in other platforms

Last updated