Optional roles

Made with ❤️ by Pandez and his Pandez Labs team

・Claimable optional roles built-in to the verification flow

・Set up claimable ping, age, language roles and more

・Send the optional roles panel to a specific channel for members to change their roles freely

Buy premium: buy.pandezlabs.com

Setting up roles

  1. Use the /config optional roles command.

  2. Click on the Roles button.

  3. Click on Add Role and select a role from the dropdown menu. Roles with dangerous permissions, the verified role and the waiting room role, won't show up in the dropdown menu.

  4. Select a category from the dropdown menu that best matches the role. This step will only appear if you have added at least one category.

  5. Add a description for your role or leave blank for no description, and click on Submit.

Setting up categories

  1. Use the /config optional roles command.

  2. Click on the Categories button.

  3. Click on Add Category.

  4. Click on Single Choice if you want members to only be able to select one role from this category. Click on Multiple Choice if you want members to be able to select multiple roles from this category.

  5. Add a name for the category, and click on Submit.

Setting up the optional roles panel in a channel

  1. Use the /config optional roles command.

  2. Click on the Channel button.

  3. Select a channel from the dropdown menu. Only channels the bot has access to will show up. Make sure the bot has the View Channel, Send Messages and Embed Links permissions in the channel you want to send the panel too, as well as the Manage Roles permission on a role level.

Last updated